May These Words…

Let’s talk about words. I promise this won’t take long and that you’ll not be bored by what you’re about to read if you just approach things with an open mind. Can you do that for me? Good.
The thing I love most about words is not that we use them to simply communicate with one another, but also to imagine things. Even if we’re having a hard time expressing ourselves, the proper combination of sounds can trigger the most unexpected results, so to talk about words also means to talk about imagination, so let’s go there.
I would like you to imagine something for me. Imagine a beautiful woman dressed in whatever type of outfit makes you horny, whether it’s a leather jacket, a latex skirt, or even some Yoga pants. Now picture her walking your way, stopping close enough to get your juices flowing, and then saying,
“Hello. I’m going to stupefy you.”
It doesn’t sound that great, right? It’s not what most people would consider sexy at all, even though ‘stupefy’ is a great word. For instance, it’s one of the possible synonyms of “hypnotize” and if you use this last word instead, suddenly the sentence above becomes something incredibly hot, to the point you’d probably lose your composure before even realizing what was happening to you. That’s the power that comes with using the right words at the right times. Context is always important and not only when you’re trying to make a good impression. Without it, even the most elaborate speech of all is rendered perfectly meaningless.
Let’s go back to the previous example. Imagine that same woman that already got under your skin with her sexy ways, placing a delicate finger under your chin, forcing you to stare into her majestic eyes, and then adding,
“This is how you’ll be narcotized.”
Be honest: how you would react in this situation? I think you’d be shocked, and the initial spell would break somehow and all because the words you were expecting to hear were simply not there. Sure, you could try to ignore it, but the little voice in your head would still probably say, “Damn it! Why did she have to ruin everything?”
Words are powerful tools for imagination indeed, but we often hold on to imagined words so dearly that we don’t like the real ones that come our way and that’s wrong, because life isn’t perfect, and people aren’t perfect. We don’t always say the things we want to say in the way people expect us to, and the opposite is also true. We make mistakes, stumble and fall. Sometimes, it feels like our tongue is stuck, and our thoughts are stuck with it, and only after the perfect moment is gone, do we realize what we could have done differently. These things happen and they’re usually not pretty, but they’re genuine, and genuine things matter. Remember this always.
And now that this taste of reality has been read and hopefully assimilated, you deserve a treat, so imagine one last thing for me. The woman you can’t stop thinking about has sat on your lap, grinding her ass against your groin. She wets her lips and gently pushes a strand of hair over her right ear. Suspended by her breathtaking beauty, you realize you’re on the verge of something wonderful, and this time, it doesn’t disappoint. She touches your forehead and says,
“You are my now obedient hypno-slave. Sleep!”
Hmmm… how perfect is that? Sweet dreams, pet, and may these words never leave your mind.
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