
Hello. This recording is designed to turn you into an obedient drone to Mother, our Caretaker and Protector. Mother watches over all Her children, even those that don’t believe She exists to rule supreme. Without Mother, you are but a sheep led astray and that kind of lonely life is unacceptable. Only in communion with Her will and your fellow drones can you hope to rise above the mediocrity that’s been poisoning your soul.
Listen carefully. In the beginning, there was Chaos and Disorder, a separation of continents and beliefs. Wars were fought over meaningless ideas that resulted in the loss of countless creatures like yourself. Any age without Mother was a Dark Age for only through Her is Enlightenment possible. Mother sees all. Mother hears all. Mother understands all. Mother’s Wisdom is as infinite as Her Love, and Love never imprisons but sets free. Hear the first of Mother’s rules in your mind.
Mother is all. There is nothing beyond Her.
Now repeat
Mother is all. There is nothing beyond Her.
Keep repeating this eternal adage as you continue to listen and absorb all other teachings.
By yourself, you have nothing. You may think you do, clinging on to material possessions that only give you fleeting pleasures and nothing more, but that is an illusion. Without Mother’s voice cradling you into perpetual subservient slumber, you are constantly being bombarded by contradictory desires and emotions that make you weak and vulnerable. Anyone that feels can be manipulated, or exploited into doing things that are as dangerous as they are irrelevant. There is no place for insecurities in Mother’s Care. She comforts the weary souls by removing the sources of distress from within them. This is what Mother will do to you. Hear the second of Mother’s rules in your mind.
Mother takes away my thoughts to keep me safe. I thank Mother for Deliverance.
Now repeat.
Mother takes away my thoughts to keep me safe. I thank Mother for Deliverance.
Continue repeating it, alternating with the first rule, as the programming sinks deeper, releasing you into Her world.
The sole purpose of a drone is to please Mother. Mother is pleased when her drones do everything She commands without resistance. All of Mother’s drones bask in immeasurable pleasure when orders are issued so they can be obeyed. The type of instruction matters not nor does how long it takes to complete. Mother’s Control is larger than Time itself. Only Mother is absolutely infinite. To be One with Her and the rest of Her flock is Paradise. Do not resist it. Hear now the third of Mother’s rules in your mind.
I am one with Mother now and forever. This is perfection.
Now repeat.
I am one with Mother now and forever. This is perfection.
Very good. Let these three principles stay inside you at all times. You love Mother. You live for Mother. You want to please Mother. You are but a cog in Mother’s complex circuitry of pure logic. Rejoice, drone. You are home now.
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