Not a Hypnotic Script

This is not a hypnotic script. It’s not. I’m not writing these words with the purpose of putting you under. If that’s what you’re thinking right now, please stop. Stop thinking. This is not a hypnotic script, and it will never be one.
I know nothing of hypnosis. Absolutely nothing. I don’t understand it, can’t grasp its mysterious ways. If I did, then perhaps I could write words whose sole purpose would be to put you under, but that’s not the case. There is no case, no big mystery that needs solving. I’ve been telling you the truth from the start. What you do with it is up to you.
This is not a hypnotic script. Hypnotic scripts mesmerize, captivate, fascinate, magnetize… they pull you in like a chain, setting off a series of reactions inside your mind. The best ones go unnoticed, strings of commands hidden between the spaces of the words to let your thoughts fill in the blanks; the lazy ones try to tell you everything, with no margin for imagination, or a simple deviation from the norm. This is not one of them, and neither are you. Even if this were a hypnotic script, you probably wouldn’t go under no matter what.
Yes, I know that you think you would. I know that you think it’s good to have no thoughts at all, which is why you hope these words will take them away from you. You wish for this to be a hypnotic script so that you can be soothed, narcotized, entranced, stupefied, your brain reduced to a quivering pulp, eager to absorb new meanings, new ideas, new desires.
If this were a hypnotic script and you were easily put under by it, you could be anything, and experience everything you wanted, perhaps even all at once. There would be no barriers, no obstacles in your path. The entire world would be at your fingertips, and you could even taste it on your dry lips. Nothing but glory would await you in the depths of trance, fractionated time and time again, going up only to fall down. I understand, I really do. How good would it be if you were hypnotized right now?
If it happened, it would probably still be happening, for trance isn’t linear like reading a paragraph in a book. Sometimes, what you think is a beginning, is actually somewhere in the middle, and the middle ends in a crossroad before looping back on itself. When you think you’re not going anywhere, you’re already there, confused yet happy, letting go of everything that doesn’t suit you in order to better fulfill your goals. You would feel the energy deep inside, radiating from the core of your being to everyone around you, growing with others to become yourself. Just imagine how amazing it would be if this were a hypnotic script that allowed you to do such things. Hmmm… wonderful. Such a lovely and endlessly repeatable feeling.
However, this is not a hypnotic script. Nothing astonishing will come to pass just by reading these words. Unless it already did. Who knows, really? Only you for you tell your own stories. You are your own script. Write it with a smile every day and… wake up now, alert and ready for anything that comes your way.
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