Nothing but a Tree

Christmas Tree

Kimberly stood in the rightmost corner of a lavishly decorated living room, her blurry vision trying to focus on her surroundings. The smell of ginger biscuits permeated the air and there were splashes of vibrant colors everywhere. She couldn’t move, her petite feet stuck together like ever-growing roots.
“What… what’s going on?” she mumbled as an exotic figure dressed in a red PVC Mrs. Claus outfit approached her. It was Helen, one of her closest friends and the most beautiful woman she knew. Halfway through her forties, she was still a sight for sore eyes and looked good in everything, no matter how corny or extravagant.
“Shhh,” the enticing lawyer said, touching her lower lip with the tip of her right index finger. “Relax, my dear. Your transformation will be over soon.”
“Transf… what? I don’t understand, Helen. What are you trying to do to me?”
“I’m not trying anything, it’s already happening. My greatest fantasy is about to come true and it’s all thanks to you. Thank you, Kimberly, but now I have to ask you to be silent. Not another sound… Shhh… Relax and feel all your muscles hardening, arms, legs, and chest totally rigid for me. Whatever happens, you will neither move nor bend but simply stand tall, proud, the loveliest of God’s creations, fully embellished to celebrate Him.”
Kimberly tried to speak once more but her lips did not comply. Her statuesque frame slowly turned into pure hardness, and she watched in utter bewilderment as her friend unpacked a collection of ribbons, trinkets, baubles, and light strings.
The redheaded solicitor had always hated Christmas. She couldn’t stand the blatant commercialization of the holiday spirit and the one man she had truly loved had decided that was the perfect day to end their six-year relationship. Ever since then, the season had become synonymous with heartaches, misfortunes, and looming despair that gnawed at her soul. It wasn’t horrible enough to make her want to slit her wrists, but it still hurt, and she refused to celebrate the date. Or at least she thought she did.
“No worries, no thoughts, no movements, no will.” Helen continued. “You are no longer human but merely a tree, my very own personal tree. This is what you want. It is the best way to endure this time you despise so much. Deeper, Kim. Go deeper and accept this is right for you.”
Kimberly was in utter shock. She had no idea her friend was into stuff like this let alone that she was such a powerful hypnotist. Her velvety voice continued to infiltrate her mind, replacing desires for human mobility with the natural stillness of an ornament for her amusement.
“Nothing but a tree,” she repeated to herself before silence conquered all. “Nothing but a tree…”
On Christmas Eve, guests from all over the world arrived at Helen’s house and were all in awe at her unforgettable choice of decoration. Fully aware of their presence but unable to say a thing, Kimberly adored the compliments being thrown at her, especially how adorable she looked, and melted on the inside. While she still hated Christmas, being a tree was actually fun.


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S. B.

Simple Being, Middle name Creative. Writer and artist with a penchant for themes of Female Domination, Hypnosis and Mind Control. My thoughts are my own except when they're not.

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