“Yes, General?”
“Why are all the guards wearing women’s clothes?” He asked.
“Practice for when the next President gets sworn in.”
“That sounds familiar…”
“Not to him. He’s going to love it.”
“I don’t doubt you but hate seems to trump love, nowadays”
“Hypnosis trumps it all.” She smirked, perfect pink dress in mind.
My hypnotic secret agent strikes again with a bit of satire, reminiscent of when I first created her, eleven years ago. The “sounds familiar” line is a nod to my story Agent 47-D as she does something similar there. This one marks the final appearance of Alexandra Ryder within this challenge, and I couldn’t think of a better send-off.
Dancer of the Boreal Valley
The Ashen One watched in awe as she descended from above, lanky, and majestic, whirling amidst fire and smoke.
He should move. He should attack, yet the more she undulated, the more his thoughts followed, dancing away into oblivion.
Powerless, his joyous knees collapsed under the weight of lust, dark soul illuminated by endless servitude.
To conclude the eleventh month, a piece inspired by the videogame Dark Souls III. The Dancer of the Boreal Valley is an enemy there, a “boss” the hero – The Ashen One – must defeat in order to progress to the final stretch of the adventure. Her design is strange, but she moves in a very gracious, quasi-hypnotic manner for someone hell-bent on destruction. She also has an amazing musical theme playing in the background during the fight. All of these things led me to write an FD scenario involving her.