Year 2 of Spell… B-O-U-N-D’s Femdom Hypnosis and Mind Control 55 Words Stories Challenge. The stories in this post were written between November 1st and November 30th.
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The room was silent save for the perfect rhythm of the typewriter.
Words of gratitude danced within the lines and between them, growing with each whispered suggestion.
The writer couldn’t see her, nor was he certain the sounds were real but the wondrous feelings remained.
Out of difficulties grow miracles. In trance, they grow immortal.
I recently remembered that talking about Muses has always been one of my favorite things. Writing about them as well. Muses are strange characters, yet so intriguing and, if you’re lucky, you may even get to know one or two in your lifetime.
It may not always be easy to recognize them as such. The mind plays tricks on one’s perceptions constantly and the chaotic nature of life itself can distort simple things beyond reason. Muses can be right there beside you and you look away at the most inopportune moment. Don’t do that. Open your eyes, keep your ears clean of sadistic and self-destructive voices and just embrace them. Treat Muses with respect for they deserve it more than everything. They’ll respect you as well and, next thing you know, magic will be pouring from your fingertips.
If it seems like I’m rambling today, it’s perhaps because I am and, honestly, I feel it’s a good thing. The Muses got to me, I guess, planting ideas in my mind that keep on becoming stronger and stronger. I like those ideas, and the freedom they carry within them. Female Dominance, Hypnosis, and Mind Control can also bring about said freedom. Dommes are Muses too, have you ever thought about that? If you haven’t, now it’s a good time to do so.
I’ve come to know a few Muses in my journey through the fetish realms. I’ve also created a few of my own. Today’s piece borrows a lot from a dear friend of mine, someone I cherish deeply, the Princess Sapphire Rain. A quote from 17th-Century French philosopher Jean de la Bruyère was the other especially relevant source of inspiration.

Paul entered the living room. He couldn’t shake off the feeling that there was something off about it. He looked at the chairs, the sofa, the flat screen TV, the giant pair of green hypnotic eyes at the window…
“Wait a minute,” he thought, suddenly realizing what was wrong.
One chair was dirty, nothing more.
I’m in the mood for writing something uncanny, today. The premise for today’s addition to this yearlong challenge goes as follow: imagine a person with a dollhouse fetish. Now, imagine a skilled hypnotist/mind-controller taking advantage of that for a little bit of fun. It’s a bizarre experiment, for sure, but S.B. also stands for seriously bizarre on occasions and that even reflects on the title I chose.

Training Him
“So you’re the guy that likes to kick dogs?” She asked.
“Release me, bitch!” He spat.
“Bitch, you say? What? You want to kick me too?”
“Don’t tempt me.”
“Far from it. Train you on the other hand…”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
She answered with a hypnotic pendant, a collar and some dog food.
Today’s piece was inspired by a true event, one I wish it hadn’t happened, but it did. Writing about it is the best way I have to cope with it all. Curious? Keep on reading then.
Yesterday, as I was coming home from work, I saw this cute little stray wandering around. He approached this guy sitting outside an apartment entrance and the jerk, out of the blue, kicked the poor thing one, two, three times. I got pissed on the spot and couldn’t stand still while that happened. I was able to get the dog away from him but not before I got kicked in the back as well. That’s when a few other people decided to intervene. They surrounded the guy but I didn’t see what happened next. Instead, I took the dog to someone I know that works with an animal shelter to be looked upon.
Today, I learned that the dog got an internal bleeding from the whole ordeal. He’s at a vet and his condition isn’t famous at the moment. I have two dogs of my own and am an animal lover at heart so this situation revolts me to no end. I’m also not prone to violence but if I happen to see the guy again, it’s possible I’ll reconsider that stance. Sadly, there’s nothing else I can do at the moment except wait for better news so I wrote a befitting punishment for a coward that enjoys kicking dogs.

404 Error
Oops… Seeing this page means you either took a wrong turn on the Internet or a powerful hypnotic woman is playing mind games on you at the moment. Should you be lost, please click this link to get back on the right track. If not, look into her eyes and you will be soon enough.
You’ve all seen them at least once in your life, haven’t you? The 404 Error pages when something we’re looking for online is nowhere to be found? I know I have. Websites are organic, change, evolve, links are added, others get burned to the ground. A page that is cornerstone content today may be old news tomorrow, and things get slightly broken along the way.
A 404 Error is a bit of a nuisance but it’s not exactly the end of the world. Sure, too many of those can don’t paint a pretty picture of your personal corner of the Internet but search engines will eventually remove them from their index so if you’re worried about SEO and all that jazz, don’t.
Sometimes, people get creative when it comes to errors such as this by creating custom 404 Error pages that draw your attention or make you laugh, sometimes a combination of both. I’ve always found them amusing and I may or may not have created one myself just in case… No, I’m not going to tell you how you can see it but, if you happen to stumble upon it through a faulty link or something, I hope you have some fun with it.