November 2019

An Honest Mistake

“Dr?” Brenda muttered. “What’s wrong?”
“We’re too late,” the blonde woman retorted.
“What? No!!!”
“I’m sorry. I tried to cancel the program but it was already near completion.”
“Damn it! It was an honest mistake.”
“I know. People mix up the forms all the time… still, your brainwashed sissy boyfriend is ready. Have fun.”

This was a work inspired piece. Whenever something is broken that needs repair, one must fill an online form asking for such. The problem is the software that runs these forms is quite old-fashioned and it’s structured in such a way that mistakes can happen easily if one isn’t careful. Now, no such thing happened today but it could have.

That got me wondering about other possible mistakes. Imagine there was a firm specialized in mind-control programs. Imagine you had to fill a form specifying which service you were contracting. Now imagine you screwed up. That was my internal logic for this humorous take. Don’t ask me what Brenda really wanted because I’ll leave that to you.


Father Morris entered the cathedral and glanced at the six naked acolytes worshiping a dark-eyed demoness.
“What sacrilege is this?” He asked.
“No sacrilege at all,” one of the servants replied. “Being mindless horny bitches is our true calling.”
“I know that, dumbass. What I want to know is why you didn’t call me sooner.”

As I’m sure I mentioned in the past, I’m not much of a religious person (unless you count Femdom Goddess Worship as an actual form of religion, that is. I used to believe in way more things when I was younger but I guess disenchantment caught up with me as time went by so… no, I’m not that religious, period. I respect everyone that is so though and if religion helps people live their lives more fully, then more power to them, except in the case of fanatics and zealots that try to impose their world views on everyone else. That kind of brainwashing is not fun.

I wanted to write something funny with a religious vibe though and this came to mind. The image I’m using was actually the first thing that brought it to life. It’s a bit scary-looking but enticing nonetheless and the twist at the end is kind of a jab at morally corrupt people. Whether it landed or not, it’s up for you to say.


“What do you mean I’m banned from the tournament?” Lindsay a.k.a. CuteDeath asked. “Why?”
“You’ve used an illegal advantage in the qualifying rounds,” The jury president replied. “You’re supposed to bring your opponents to its knees in this game, not hypnotize them!”
“They’re all kneeling, aren’t they?” She pouted.
“Our decision is final.”
“We’ll see.”

Yesterday evening, I watched a bit of Masahiro Sakurai’s video presentation about the inclusion of Terry Bogard in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. I own the game but I’m not particularly good at it and, truth be told, I haven’t bought any of the DLC characters nor do I plan to. Playing in tournaments is something I would never be able to do either though the whole competitive culture surrounding them is fascinating to say the least.

This piece was obviously inspired by that culture and the strict rules that surround big tournaments. I thought it would be funny to subvert it with a bit of hypnosis and so I did. However, even if such a thing were fair game, I would still suck at it. Fighting games aren’t really my forte.

If I had the opportunity to play any of the recent releases, I would probably go for something like Luigi Mansion’s 3 (I like goofy Nintendo, okay? or even Death Stranding because Hideo Kojima is a weird dude and I seem to enjoy weird things. Anyway, too busy for any of that for now so… may be around Christmas.

Heart of Stone

George hung upside down over the chasm.
“You’re leaving?” He screamed. “You have a heart of stone.”
“Of course, I do.” Serena replied. “I was a statue, remember?”
“You should have remained one, witch!”
“Not my fault you broke the spell. Death or slavery, wanderer.” Her eyes glowed.
“Fine. Sla…”
The rope holding him snapped.

I liked the image above and wrote a series of pieces somewhat inspired by it. This was the one that suited the idea behind this challenge the most so… A weird piece, I know but weird is good.

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