Nude Painting
Day 31 of Spell… B-O-U-N-D’s Femdom Hypnosis and Mind Control 55 Words Stories Challenge 2024, Nude Painting is a humorous Alexandra Ryder piece about a painting and some vegetables.

Nude Painting
“Yes, General?”
“There’s a nude painting of me on my desk.”
“Oh, wow! I wonder how that happened!”
“Right… I could almost forgive you for that if it weren’t for the zucchini…”
“I understand. We’ll do two next time.”
“That’s not what I…”
The General sighed. Sitting down was going to be a problem.
How this story came to be
I started the month with an Alexandra Ryder piece and decided to finish it with one as well. As for the plot itself, it was inspired by the groceries on my fridge, one of which is a large zucchini. That’s it, really. My mind really goes places, doesn’t it?
I hope you had fun. Until tomorrow.