It’s in the Rain
Listen to the rain as it comes falling down, down, down… hear her voice between the drops, swirling, spiraling, sinking… feel her hand reaching for your soul, leaving an impression that will never fade away… and hear the beating of your kneeling heart within her bosom as you sigh and surrender to her will. Sleep.
It shouldn’t be hard to see this is yet another piece I wrote for my Princess. A song by Enya from the album Amarantine with the same title also helped in the process.

Motivation 101
“Sterile, limiting, annoying, vexing, egotistic, stressful, obsolete, blasphemous, exasperating, yucky…” the motivational speaker repeated in an eerie monotone, in perfect contrast to the expectations of the male audience.
She paused and licked her lips.
“And now that we’ve established what free will really is, let’s take care of it…”
Kaleidoscopic images filled the dark room.
Motivation is extremely important in one’s life. When the one that comes from the self isn’t enough, one can always resort to professionals for the job. With that in mind, I concealed an extra message in her speech. Have you read it yet?

The Procedure
“Are you sure this will work?” Derrick asked.
“Absolutely,” Dr. Evans replied. “Once it’s drained, you’ll become the submissive you yearn to be.”
“Let’s do this then.”
“I can’t believe he actually thinks the submissive gland is real,” Nurse Belinda whispered in the doctor’s ear.
“That’s the power of suggestion for you,” she whispered back.
More suggestions, more deception, even more control. It’s amazing what we end up believing in if the persuasion is strong enough.

“Free at last!” Matthew shouted as he emerged from the sewers. He had survived her torture and conditioning, and now he was going to warn the world about…
The moment the sun hit his eyes, he forgot everything, but his captor remained deep inside his mind. He was free to obey, nothing more than that.
What I wrote about the previous piece also applies to this one, although it’s obvious I was feeling a bit nastier on this date.