Hot October
“Yes, General?”
“Halloween is almost coming up and…”
“Trust me, I know.”
“You’re not going to make everyone dress as jack-o-lanterns again, are you?”
“Good,” he muttered.
“It’s such a hot October so why would I bother with fancy outfits when the alternative is so much better?”
“Oh no.”
“Oh yes!” She laughed.
Alexandra is such a mischievous character it’s only natural she likes Halloween. I thought of having her guest star in the monthly-long special feature at some point but ultimately decided against it. Still, she had to return to the challenge fray sooner or later and before we get to the end of the month…
I don’t know about you but perhaps the idea of seeing an almost seventy-year old man naked alongside everyone else is scary indeed. (just kidding!
Spirals Everywhere
So many spirals.
Spirals everywhere.
On the buttons of his shirt.
Reflected on the walls.
On the cover of every book in the shelf.
Dominating the TV.
“The more you fight the suggestions, the worse you’ll feel,” Sonya cooed. “You can’t resist.”
“I WILL!” Ebeneezer screamed.
“We’ll see.”
So many spirals.
Spirals everywhere.
One more impromptu to add to the list. All the Halloween pieces I’ve been writing have left me with a penchant for “evil” stuff so I added another one to the list. As pure fantasy, evil mind-controllers are hot, you know they are, and I suppose there are worse ways to lose one’s mind, don’t you agree?
Now if you’ll excuse me I have to look at my animated spiral screensaver because they really are everywhere.
Change the Lighting
Dozens of women stared at the cage.
“Please observe…” Lillian began, “The male is engaged in useless activities like drinking beer and watching TV but when we change the lighting…”
A bluish tint filled the division. Immediately, he stood up, and started cleaning.
“Perfect, huh? Get this new training system now!” She concluded.
Everyone cheered.
There are numerous studies out there about how lighting and certain colors affect our state of mind. Not everyone is susceptible the same way but there’s no denying we experience different things when confronted with colors we find pleasant by comparison to colors we don’t enjoy. When it comes to hypnosis and mind control, colors can also be used as triggers or associated to triggers in order to generate a certain physical or emotional response and trust me, it works.
I wrote this piece with these things in mind. Green is still my favorite color though.
“Hurry up, Francis!” Brandon exclaimed.
“Done!” His brother replied, opening the cabinet door. “Now we get to see what your girlfriend has been hidi… shit!”
The sight of shrunken cocks and balls made them nauseous.
“Surprised?” Glynnis smirked. “You know, I only castrate slaves *after* brainwashing them, but I’ll make an exception for you two.”
We all have skeletons in the closet, secrets we don’t want out. Some of them are literally hidden in closets, safes, and whatnot and despite the cries of curiosity, one shouldn’t be tempted to open them because if we do…
… yeah, something like this can happen. At least in a dark and twisted fantasy world. However, I know you love it so…