Day 341 of Spell… B-O-U-N-D’s Femdom Hypnosis and Mind Control 55 Words Stories Challenge 2024, Pamiloisis is a piece about a strange “sickness”.

“I feel like shit!” Richard exclaimed.
“Is it the flu again?” Andrew, his older brother, asked.
“No, it’s Pamiloisis.”
“I miss Pamela, okay? Every hour that goes by without her voice in my head is like torture.”
“You shouldn’t have married a hypnodomme, then.”
Richard continued grumbling, waiting for her to come home.
How this story came to be
Feeling a bit under the weather again. It’s not COVID this time, thankfully, just a normal cold. Unfortunately, my immune system got pretty messed up last time I was ill, so it’s been a rather painful day.
Anyway, I invented another word, this time to describe the addictive nature of Richard’s feelings towards his dominant wife. Would you like to be sick like this?
I hope you had fun. Until tomorrow.