Purple Sun
Day 88 of Spell… B-O-U-N-D’s Femdom Hypnosis and Mind Control 55 Words Stories Challenge 2023, Purple Sun is a sci-fi piece that’s slightly reminiscent of the first things I wrote a long time ago.

Purple Sun
The spaceship exited the purple sun’s orbit and while everything seemed the same, Captain Williams knew otherwise.
“Can you feel it, gentlemen?” she asked. “The power, the hunger?”
“No, Captain,” First Officer Jacobs replied. “Is everything okay?”
“Never better,” she smirked, dark energy fueling desires for sex and control. The time of lust had begun.
How this story came to be
If you’ve read the About Me section on this site, then you know that long before I started writing femdom mind control stories, my first forays into the world of creative writing were heavily sci-fi. I wrote pieces inspired by Star Trek, Star Wars, Terminator, Aliens, and whatnot, all with my own personal spin on them. The Star-Trek-inspired ones are my favorites because they revolved around exploring the universe on a spaceship and encountering strange new things.
This piece was written because I was reminded of those early concepts today and decided to write something with a similar vibe. Purple is my second favorite color after green, so…
Anyway, this was not the piece I was going to write today but, seeing the video above, gave me a series of videogame-inspired ideas, so I figured why the hell not? I’m going to have a lot of fun with tears of the kingdom, that’s for sure.
I hope you had fun. Until tomorrow.