
Alana’s voice was green, Erin’s was yellow, and Judith’s was red. And the only person who understood this in their circle of friends was Katherine, a twenty-six-year-old synesthete who had spent most of her life experiencing things in a radically different way than everyone else, with sounds involuntarily evoking colors, shapes, and movement in her mind. Despite multiple studies pointing at the existence of a genetic predisposition for the condition, she was the only recorded case in her family, and even her closest relatives had trouble seeing the world the way she did.

Katherine’s voice was mostly blue with hints of purple seeping through when she was angry or in distress. She had tried explaining her color associations many times before, but her efforts always failed short. The common language wasn’t enough for her peculiar way of interpreting things.

Over the years, she had run the spectrum, interacting with oranges, browns, and whites, making friends, and losing them shortly after. She thought she had seen it all until she met Candice.

She was the most beautiful woman she had ever seen with viridescent eyes, a sultry smile, the body of a mermaid, and the style of a fairytale princess. She was also a rainbow with every syllable that came out of her lips enveloping her in a wave of sensual delight.

The two hit along almost immediately. Katherine had grown into adulthood with plenty of unresolved lesbian fantasies in her head, and the heart wants what the heart wants. It wasn’t just Candice’s beauty that kept her awake at night, but how she could see into her soul so easily and make everything possible in the blink of an eye. Candice never judged Katherine’s unique condition and never frowned at her lame attempts at humor when she was nervous. Instead, she remained a loyal companion, listening when she had to, and seducing her gently with honeyed whispers she dared not repeat out loud.

They were already an item when Katherine dragged Candice to the back of the bar they were having fun in and finally asked,

“How are you a rainbow?”

“I’m more than that,” Candice pressed her plump lips against hers. “I’m also the gold at the end of it. Part your legs for me right now and you can have it all.”

“I’m serious! There’s something about you that drives me mad and that I can’t put into words. How is it that you know me so well and it feels like you can read my thoughts?”

“Maybe I planted them there…” Candice explored her young lover’s silky blouse, unbuttoning the top just enough to bury her tongue between her sweaty breasts.

“Oh? Are you a mind controller, dear?” Katherine moaned, her pussy tingling with anticipation.

“Just an amateur hypnotist with too much love to give. I love the way you look at me.”

“So do I,” Katherine felt the vaginal fluids building as the impossible beauty savored her erect nipples like they were a delicacy from the Heavens. “Have you ever messed with my head without telling me?”

“I haven’t messed with your head at all, but I can’t wait to try it out if you’re up for it.”

“Right here?”

“Nah! I’d rather make you cum first!”

Candice kneeled on the cold concrete floor and went down on her without a care in the world. The tip of her tongue licked Katherine’s labia and the rainbow in her voice became a cornucopia of exploding fireworks that lit up the Autumn night with its overwhelming glow.

Later that night, the two sat in Candice’s bed, hands interlocked, and dreaming of trance. Katherine shook her golden hair, stared into her lover’s perfect eyes, and asked,

“Will it be weird?”

“With the way you see and hear things, I think it will be the most riveting experience of your life.”

“Like an orgasm?” Katherine blushed.

“Like a hundred of them simultaneously, dear.”

“That’s good enough for me.”

“For me too.”

Joined in perfect harmony, they descended into the wonderful chasm of mesmerism together, and Katherine saw the Big Bang deep in her mind’s eye. Now, there’s something she’ll never forget.




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S. B.

Simple Being, Middle name Creative. Writer and artist with a penchant for themes of Female Domination, Hypnosis and Mind Control. My thoughts are my own except when they're not.

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