Day 57 of Spell… B-O-U-N-D’s Femdom Hypnosis and Mind Control 55 Words Stories Challenge 2023, Samantha is a hypnotic feminization piece following a suggestion by Earl Dellinger on my Instagram.

Max had become Maxine. John had become Johanna. Peter had become Petra. Was Sam next?
“No!” he exclaimed. “I won’t be feminized!”
“It’s funny you think you can resist,” Carmen said, her spiraling contact lenses burrowing into his soul. “No thoughts. No will. Go deeper for me, my slave girl.”
Samantha fell to her knees.
How this story came to be
Yes, we’re back to suggested themes. Earl Dellinger left a comment on this Instagram post two days and I decided to use his prompt for this one. As mentioned many times, feminization isn’t really a thing of mine but I’m okay with writing small pieces involving it from time to time, so… thank you for the suggestion.
I hope you had fun. Until tomorrow.