Saturday Story 2023 – Week 1 (Heavenly Fireflies)
The first short story of the new year is now available on my Patreon. It is a strange supernatural tale with mind control, goddess worship, and religious symbolism aplenty. The official synopsis is as follows.
Brent is visited by a swarm of strange luminescent creatures with a message to share. What are they and what do they want?
To read this story before anyone else, head over to my Patreon page and become Spell… B-O-U-N-D, too. The minimum pledge for this type of early access is $5 per month.
A small excerpt of the opening is available below:
Brent Morris first heard of the phenomenon that would later be referred to as Heavenly Fireflies by a consortium of international scientists through a cable TV show of ill reputation dedicated to accounts of the unknown and supernatural realms in whatever form they presented themselves.
In the nineteenth episode of the second season, a brazen Australian woman whose name he didn’t recall other than it, unfortunately, rhymed with the word cunt, described an encounter with a swarm of multicolored small insects presumably of extraterrestrial origin who talked to her inside her mind. The strange animals had a soothing and almost narcoleptic effect on her thoughts, rendering her extremely malleable to outside influence even if only for a short period. She equated the experience as akin to either being on drugs or in a state closer to religious rapture, whatever stroke the audience’s fancy the most.
There were many logical reasons to dismiss her account as pure folly, with the very nature of the interview itself being at the top of the list. It was conducted not on location but in a chaotic studio where an array of unsettling images bombarding the background created a terrible chromatic dissonance that could not be undone. Brent hated every second and hoped he would never have to see anything like that again.
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