Saturday Story 2023 – Week 19 (Customer Service)
Another standalone piece. You’ve never seen customer service like this. Synopsis below:
Paul calls a postal service to complain about a missing package but soon realizes he’s been thinking about the company all wrong. Enjoy.
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A small excerpt is available below:
Paul Anders lit up a cigarette and blew a puff of gray smoke, his nervous hands twitching. He had been angry many times before, but this one hit differently for his livelihood was at stake. If the package didn’t arrive until the end of the day, the multi-million dollar contract was as good as lost.
WorldPost was to blame. The private company held a monopoly in the transportation of sensitive goods in the country. They had always been reliable and trustworthy until the new CEO initiated a major cost reduction program that, funnily enough, didn’t include her yearly bonus. After six months on the job, the quality of the service had decreased considerably, with constant delays, failed deliveries, and the number of missing packages skyrocketing. Customer service had become a joke as well.
Paul had been trying to talk to someone in charge for the past three hours. His call had been redirected multiple times across various services, with no one being able to give him a conclusive answer regarding his missing goods. When things appeared to finally be going somewhere, they would always return to square one the following minute. He was fed up and about to explode. If that happened, he wouldn’t be held accountable for any of his actions or words.
He took another drag of his cigarette and glanced at his watch. The deadline was fast approaching, threatening to take the last remaining threads of his sanity with it. The annoying waiting music continued to play on the phone atop his work desk. He would not hang up until a solution had been found.
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