Saturday Story 2023 – Week 20 (A Good Man – Part I)
Something gentle today. A two-parter, with the conclusion being posted next week. Synopsis below:
Oliver contacts a hypnodomme for the first time, wanting to try something new.
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A small excerpt is available below:
Oliver felt the thrill of excitement run through him as he realized that he was going to take a risk. He was going to break free from his self-imposed mold and pursue new avenues of pleasure, no matter where they led him. Today, Oliver Rawlins was going to shatter all the rules, and finally live life on the edge.
He quickly got ready and, after calling in sick to work, he began researching online for ways to explore his newfound freedom.
The first thing that came to mind was to go around the city with no clear destination set in stone. Instead of driving like he always did, he would hop onto the first bus, ride it until the end of the line, then rinse and repeat. It would be a good way to take in new sights and discover additional points of interest to explore on further occasions.
He also thought about ordering something exotic for lunch. Perhaps Korean or Thai food, which he had never tasted out of fear that the flavors would be too weird for his delicate palate.
However, the thing that resonated the most with Oliver that morning, something that even surprised him, was finding himself clicking on Hypnodomme’s websites. He had always been curious about hypnosis and female domination, but much like everything else he had a passing interest in, he had never strived to do anything about it. This could very well be an opportunity to change that and if so, should he allow it to go to waste?
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