Saturday Story 2023 – Week 26 (More than a Dream)
Today, we have a new standalone piece with a sci-fi vibe. I had a lot of fun writing this one. Synopsis below:
Dylan’s life changes overnight when a UFO hovers outside his bedroom window.
To read this story before anyone else, head over to my Patreon page and become Spell… B-O-U-N-D, too. The minimum pledge for this type of early access is $5 per month.
A small excerpt is available below:
Dylan sat in front of a curved computer monitor, holding an imaginary cigarette in his right hand. It was a remnant of a time not long when he was addicted to nicotine, alcohol, and sleepless nights. Things had improved a lot since then, mostly because of the constant support of his girlfriend and soon-to-be fiancée Maria but, sometimes, he found himself longing for one more drag or a sip of a glass of whisky on the rocks. He had to stay strong, though. It was the only way to repay everything she had done for him until then.
He was looking at a series of complex equations and abstract diagrams that had come to him in a dream, trying to make sense of what they meant and their implications for the world. While he lacked any real proof of his claims, he was convinced he was on the verge of a breakthrough. He just needed to find the key to unlock it all.
Dylan continued to go through his research, hands resting on the keyboard, eyes beginning to water. He had been at it for a couple of hours and tiredness was starting to take hold. Still, he pressed on for at any moment he could have his “Eureka!” moment and uncover the truth.
The early-forties bearded man was so lost in his thoughts that he barely registered Maria’s words when she asked,
“What are you doing?”
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