Saturday Story 2024 – Week 21 (A Sign of Evil – Part 15)

Part fifteen of this supernatural/witchcraft/mind control story is now available on my Patreon. Synopsis below:

As the enemy strikes, Sarah rushes to save her daughter and is ready to make the ultimate sacrifice to get her out of harm’s way. Enjoy.

The magical saga continues with the submarine under attack by Tabitha’s forces. Who will come out victorious? Please enjoy.

To read this story before anyone else, head over to my Patreon page and become Spell… B-O-U-N-D, too. The minimum pledge for this type of early access is $5 per month.

A small excerpt is available below:

Lila shook her head and touched the back of her neck to find her fingers covered in glistening blood. The last magical explosion outside had almost torn the submarine in half sending her flying against the door of the Vault. Her vision was blurry, but it wasn’t a life-threatening injury. With a simple healing spell, she pulled herself together and stood up, leaning against the panel to see if there was any power left.
Nothing. Only darkness closing in and the muffled screams of panicking crew members. Phasing through was impossible so she needed to find another way out and fast. The fight outside was too important to be left out.
Lila pulled the control panel away and tried to figure out how the magic circuitry and the technology interacted. Integrated systems like that often included a failsafe in case of emergency and she was right in the middle of one. If she could isolate the corresponding mechanism, she could activate it with her own life force. It wasn’t an ideal solution, yet it would have to do.
The young witch picked apart every element inside the panel but couldn’t make sense of the various connections or how they were supposed to operate. Feeling the frustration and rage bubble inside her, Lila resisted the temptation of blowing the device to smithereens and returned to the Vault door. Maybe there was a hidden latch or a hinge somewhere she could use to force a way out. There was also the possibility of an energy blast, but the risks of using that technique in such a confined space far outweighed the benefits. One wrong calculation and she would destroy herself and what was left of the submarine.
“Okay, Lila, think. You can do this!” she told herself, her right hand resting on the door. A ripple of energy coursed through her fingers as she tried to feel what was underneath the metal. She closed her eyes and began to draw a mental map of the network around her, every node and line of magic that still existed around her. If she were to grab and pull the right one, triggering a chain reaction, there was still a chance for success. She continued to scan the metallic alloy but every path she found led to a dead end. The section of the vessel was crippled without the core’s energy. She couldn’t leave unless someone cut a path from the outside.
“Where are you, mother?” she asked, banging her head against the cold metal. Could things get any worse?


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S. B.

Simple Being, Middle name Creative. Writer and artist with a penchant for themes of Female Domination, Hypnosis and Mind Control. My thoughts are my own except when they're not.

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