Saturday Story 2024 – Week 33 (Excerpts from the Diary of a Hypnodomme – 3)

This gentle femdom piece continues today. You can find it on my Patreon. Synopsis below:

A Domme who recently returned to the world of kink shares some experiences of her journey with a new client. A gentle femdom piece.

To read this story before anyone else, head over to my Patreon page and become Spell… B-O-U-N-D, too. The minimum pledge for this type of early access is $5 per month.

A small excerpt is available below:

March 17th,

I had a crazy dream last night, one of the strangest things to ever cross my mind. I don’t know about you guys, but my dreams are intense. I suppose it makes sense. I spend so much time stimulating other people’s imagination that my own wants to come out and play. Do you want to know what it was all about? Oh, I’ll tell you!

So… there was this massive spaceship over the city. It was so big it almost blocked any sunlight from coming through. People on the ground were confused and scared, and didn’t know what to do. I can’t say I blame them because it’s a petty terrifying scenario to think about, but then things got interesting.

I was on the ship, you see? I sat on a pulsing silver and black throne looking down at you all as if you were little ants in the distance. With a wave of my hand, I unleashed a barrage of sound that echoed throughout the land, turning everyone who heard it into mindless thralls bound to my will. Seeing everyone kneel at the same time while looking up was glorious.

Now, picture this: you’re one of those people confronted with such an impossible sight. First, you freeze, then you panic, and at last you’re overwhelmed by this irresistible alien presence who turns your thoughts into mush before reshaping them into effigies of perfect obedience. One moment, you’re a free individual, with a name, friends, and family, and in the next, you’re a drone, controlled only by the sounds echoing in your mind. If the thought of being a creature of servitude to an extraterrestrial overlady who will show you no mercy excites you, then you’re going to love my new series: Galactic Queen.


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S. B.

Simple Being, Middle name Creative. Writer and artist with a penchant for themes of Female Domination, Hypnosis and Mind Control. My thoughts are my own except when they're not.

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