Saturday Story 2024 – Week 39 (A Sign of Evil – Part 19)

Part nineteen of this supernatural/witchcraft/mind control story is now available on my Patreon. Synopsis below:

Lila Walters, a good witch, finds herself entangled in a fight for the minds and souls of those she loves the most.

In today’s installment, Fiadh and Alondra help Lila harness her powers as the battle against Tabitha and her minions draws near. Please enjoy.

To read this story before anyone else, head over to my Patreon page and become Spell… B-O-U-N-D, too. The minimum pledge for this type of early access is $5 per month.

A small excerpt is available below:

A few days later…

The training was hard and demanding, much more than Lila was used to, but it had to be done. If she didn’t toughen up, then not even her mutation would do her any good. Both Fiadh and Alondra wanted to see results as quickly as possible, and so they had teamed up against her, hurling spell after spell against her to see how she fared. For the most part, she was doing great but there was a problem.
“You’re being too defensive,” Fiadh declared, wiping pearls of sweat off her furrowed brow. They were fighting on an improvised, closed-off arena deep underground that allowed no spells to escape the meshed dome around them.
“Agreed,” Alondra said as she channeled another beam of energy through her fingers and sent him flying in the young witch’s direction “Stop hiding behind a shield and strike.
“I need to defend myself,” Lila said, maintaining her protective stance. She absorbed the impact of the spell but failed to launch a counterattack after that. “How else am I going to fight two on one?”
“By making sure we don’t attack in the first place,” Fiadh replied, and Alondra nodded. “If you let your opponents have the first strike, you’ll always be on your guard, and they can wear down your defenses little by little. You need to be better than that or you’ll be surrounded and overcome, case in point…”
Fiadh circled Lila positioning herself behind her while Alondra faced her head on. At a snap of her fingers, they initiated a powerful joint strike, exerting monumental pressure on Lila’s already weakened barrier. They stopped right before shattering it, but the damage was already done.


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S. B.

Simple Being, Middle name Creative. Writer and artist with a penchant for themes of Female Domination, Hypnosis and Mind Control. My thoughts are my own except when they're not.

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