Saturday Story 2024 - Week 5 (Old Enemy - Part 8) - Spell... B-O-U-N-D

Saturday Story 2024 – Week 5 (Old Enemy – Part 8)

The sequel to Old Friend continues today on my Patreon. Synopsis below:

The extraterrestrial known as “Marilyn” is on vacation in The Bahamas when she learns of the presence of another alien species in the area, but what are they up to?

In today’s installment, the time has come to confront Natalia and her thralls, but can the Rinnidyans be stopped? This is the penultimate chapter. Enjoy.

To read this story before anyone else, head over to my Patreon page and become Spell… B-O-U-N-D, too. The minimum pledge for this type of early access is $5 per month.

A small excerpt is available below:



“I’ll rest when I’m dead. This is personal, Wikktory! Even if I’m not the one to stop Natalia, I need to be there when it happens. Stop trying to persuade me otherwise. I’ve already made my mind.”

“And you’re sure this is going to work?”

“I’m not sure of anything but I know I must try. Now, let’s get started!”

* * *

A couple of hours later, Marilyn and a dozen soldiers in full tactical gear were traversing the sewers underneath Nassau for what could prove to be the most dangerous mission of their lives. After another round with the prisoner that didn’t end well for the parasite, they had a marked location on a map and the quickest way to get there undetected. The odds were not in their favor but at least they were doing something.

Try as she may, Marilyn couldn’t forgive the Council’s actions. Their fear sent the wrong message to the entire Universe. Her species was already looked down by many, and that number was sure to increase once the word of their foolish actions spread. They would be seen as weak and vulnerable, and ready for the taking. Thousands of years of history erased in the blink of an eye. Making things right was not only a boon for Earth but a good way to mend their reputation.

“And when this is over, I’m done, too,” she thought. No more political games and no more receiving orders from them, too. Their greatest asset would go off the grid to live her life however she pleased. This time around, there was no turning back.


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S. B.

Simple Being, Middle name Creative. Writer and artist with a penchant for themes of Female Domination, Hypnosis and Mind Control. My thoughts are my own except when they're not.

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