A Piece of His Mind
“Yes, General?”
“A package arrived for you. It’s all gooey.”
“Let me see.” Inside was a slice of brain tissue and a note next to it.
“Gross!” The General exclaimed. “Who sent you that?”
“The Portuguese Ambassador.”
“He’s too suggestible. I shouldn’t have told him to give me a piece of his mind.”
Alexandra gave me a call today and whispered: “I have an idea for you…” When she finished talking, she snapped her fingers and this piece was written.
Okay, not really because she’s just a character after all though I bet many of you wouldn’t mind if she existed for real and messed up with your minds all the time.
While the tale depicted on the first paragraph of this “explanation” is quite appealing, the truth is I just wrote it as it came to me. I wasn’t thinking about anything special, basically just improvising for fun and improvisations often end this way. My apologies if imagining a slice of brain tissue inside a box is too much for you.
Normal Pets
“This is my sweet tarantula,” Amber said.
“Ewww,” Denise shivered.
“And this is my beautiful python.”
“Disgusting! Damn, girl! Why can’t you have normal pets like everyone else?”
“Normal, huh?”
“This way, please.”
They stopped in front of a mirror and then Amber muttered: “This is my hypnotized slut.”
Denise blushed and sank deeper.
When I think of pets, I think of dogs. I’m a dog person and will always be one. I never understood the fascination for other exotic animals like the above mentioned tarantulas for instance even though I met a girl way back when that had not one but three in her house. I’m not arachnophobic unlike my mother but three? I only visited her place once.
This idea came to me after going for a walk with my dogs. It’s pretty “normal” to have a dog. The same goes for two. It’s not so “normal” to own a hypnoslave but perhaps it should be. For variety sake, I made an f/f piece but if you guys want to be the slut instead just change the name Denise to Dennis, okay?
Coffee Break
Samantha loved her coffee with a dash of Ceylon Cinnamon.
Anne could never say ‘no’ to coconut milk ice cubes on hers.
For Rebecca, black was always the way to go.
Their best friend Greg liked his with tonic and enough mind control drugs to wipe his persona clean… but he didn’t know it yet.
Unsure if I ever told you this, but I don’t like coffee. I just don’t don’t. At least in liquid form. The taste doesn’t sit well with me. I can eat coffee ice-cream even though I don’t enjoy it that much either but drinking it? Nah, sorry. Not even with sugar or anything else sweet poured in it.
Many people who know me for real think I’m weird because of that but I can assure you I’m weird for various other things and that includes this everlasting writing challenge. That’s okay, though. Being “weird” is a good thing.
Now then, wouldn’t it be great if your best friends drugged you and proceeded to use you as a mindless fucktoy without you being able to do anything to stop them? That is definitely what’s in store for Greg in this one. Thank God(ddess) it’s Sunday!
Too Hot
“Why is it so hot?” Bernard queried, glazed eyes.
“I think it’s the boxers,” Jaime suggested. “You should lose them.”
“But then I’ll be naked!”
“So? No time for modesty. It’s too hot. You must strip.”
“Yes, I must.”
The other ten women in the room laughed as he remained blissfully unaware of their presence.
Another piece brought to you by my little notebook as the first seed for it was scribbled in the corner of a page a few days back. Yes, it was extremely hot back then, not so much today as Summer is already on its way out.
You know, I’m really old-fashioned. While sometimes I create the pieces directly on my laptop. – The new machine works like a charm by the way so thank you all once more for helping me carry on with this dream – I still prefer to handwrite them first. They feel more personal when I do that. It’s something entirely to feel the pressure of the pen on a sheet of paper as the words come to life than to just hammer at the keyboard. I felt the same way about typewriters so… yeah, I really am an old soul on a young body but I already knew that.
Anyhow, making the subject feel hot or cold is a classic of hypnosis and mind control. So is warping their perception to the point they miss out on obvious things like seeing certain colors or not acknowledging other people present. I combined some of those classic scenarios to bring this one to life but I suspect Jaime has bigger plans for Bernard when all is said and done. Eleven women and a hypnotized man locked in a room together… what could possibly go wrong?