Brick Wall
“Corinne? Why are you mad? So what if Jill tranced me? You said it was okay! Corinne? Damn, sometimes talking to you is like talking to a brick wall!”
Suddenly, Walter blinked, trance dissipating. He found himself outside the house, staring at the following message:
“I am a brick wall.”
Her humor was something else.
People often pretend to be mad at you for some reason as a way to influence your thoughts. That can be extremely annoying especially if you’re not inclined for such a thing. However, with a little bit of humor added to the mix…
Yes, this was quite the random impromptu, I’m afraid. However, I’m definitely not sorry.

Never Be a Dick
“Come on, stop laughing!” Horace begged.
“I can’t…” Ralph confessed.
“You really think it’s funny?”
“A ten hour long erection? A bit. No Viagra, huh?”
“No, just hypnosis.”
“I see Amanda knows her stuff. Remind me to never be a dick to her.”
“You said that on purpose, didn’t you?”
“Yeah…” Ralph kept on laughing.
Men have erections all the time. It happens. There’s nothing to be ashamed of because they’re pretty much ingrained in their genetic code. They’re also easy to control through their dicks.
I recently read an article that claimed the longest erection ever recorded lasted 44 hours. It wasn’t entirely natural because the person who had it pumped a lot of drugs into his cock to keep going. As I read it, I thought to myself how painful that must have been but to each his own, I guess.
Anyway, after reading it I thought about hypnotic chastity, hypnotic masturbation, hands-free orgasms, etc until I finally landed on the idea of an uncontrollable hypnotic erection but since 44 hours was too much, I settled for 10.

The Invention
Clara’s new invention was a technological marvel: a self-contained VR cubicle where one could create and train a slave in all things kinky and bizarre.
Eager to unleash her dominant side, Bonnie gave the machine a test run and when the lights went down, the fun began.
She realized too late the slave was her.
Quite the busy day today, one where I pretty much had to sacrifice my lunch break to get things done. I’m feeling quite drained but a challenge is a challenge, a story had to be born.
I saw a magazine earlier today that had this headline on the cover: Are we living in a simulation?
I only skimmed the article it was alluding to but it had Matrix-like tones and of course that got me thinking about VR so I ended up scribbling this one down. I hope you liked it.

Not Today
Viktor lay suspended, bound by thick rope when Mistress Julia walked in.
“Happy I’m back, slave?” She asked.
“Mmmmmm…” he mumbled.
“What’s that? Cat got your tongue?”
“No, not a cat but a hypnotist…” she fetched a whip.
“You know why I did it, right? You scream a lot….”
“… but not today…”
Yeah… hmmm… well, no clue. I quite enjoy breaking down my sources of inspiration after the fact but sometimes I just can’t do it because I’m not aware of them. I was walking my dogs when the concept came to me and then it was just a matter of holding on to it until I was able to write it down. While I don’t particularly like the idea of losing my voice, perhaps it could be fun in the right context.
Fun fact, one that I mentioned before that doesn’t happen often. I hit the 55 words limit on the first attempt, no adding or subtracting words required.