Smile More
Day 342 of Spell… B-O-U-N-D’s Femdom Hypnosis and Mind Control 55 Words Stories Challenge 2023, Smile More is another piece about a punishment, but this one based on perception.

Smile More
Daryl’s teeth were falling one by one. He wanted to scream, but had no voice to do so.
“Your boyfriend looks horrified,” Melissa noted. “What did you do?”
“I gave him his worst hypnotic nightmare,” Jane replied.
“He said I needed to smile more… like his ex.”
He would never do that again.
How this story came to be
Although smiling is good for you, I can’t say it’s something I do a lot unless I’m playing with my pets or watching something funny online. One of my pet peeves is actually someone tell me I should smile more when it’s not something I feel the need to do. It happened today and I’m sure it will happen again in the future but there’s nothing wrong with having a different approach to life. I smile when I truly mean, and don’t force it for appearances’ sake. I am who I am and that’s enough.
Anyway, this piece was inspired by that but then took a life of its own. I think this type of punishment is too extreme even though it’s still nothing more than a hypnotic illusion. How about you?
I hope you had fun. Until tomorrow.