Surprisingly Good
Day 19 of Spell… B-O-U-N-D’s Femdom Hypnosis and Mind Control 55 Words Stories Challenge 2023, Surprisingly Good is a dirty piece about trying out a new dish… sort of.

Surprisingly Good
It was the first time Andrew was trying out Indonesian food and it was surprisingly good.
“Are you enjoying your cock?” Lucille asked.
“You mean chicken, right?” he looked at her, quizzically. “Yeah, it’s great.”
“Good. Have another bite, dear.”
The entranced man continued munching his own anatomy, a sheepish smile on his lips.
How this story came to be
There’s a bit of truth to this tale because I did try Indonesian food for the first time today. If you’re wondering what I ate, it was Nasi Goreng and it was great. I’m thinking of going for Polynesian next time but it will only happen a few months from now.
Anyhow, this silly little thing came to me as I was eating dinner and all my pets were staring and waiting to see if they got lucky. Hint: they didn’t, because the food had a bit of spice to it and I didn’t want to upset their tiny stomachs.
And that’s it, really. I did say it was silly.
I hope you had fun. Until tomorrow.