Tagged: Enslavement


Evaluation Week

A secret agent has been compromised, How do deal with such a dilemma? This is a job for Alexandra Ryder and a friend of hers.


Don’t Sleep

A job interview becomes a gateway to mesmeric enslavement.


Real Dominance Now Available

Good people deserve happiness, bad, punishment. Discover how and why in this classic femdom mind control short story.


Maid to Serve Now Available

Another supernatural mind control story, this time featuring an extremely sarcastic bitc… I mean, witch. Get it today!



Aristotle Logic is easy enough to understand as Harrison is about to find out.


You Want Her

Jack is writing a story. His Goddess doesn’t approve.


April 2020

Year 5 of Spell… B-O-U-N-D’s Femdom Hypnosis and Mind Control 55 Words Stories Challenge. The stories in this post were written between April 1st and April 30th.


Twenty-One Days

Femdom hypnosis can take you to unexpected bliss. Find out how in this blast from the past.


Type Omega

Careful with the games you play. You may find your thoughts inevitably altered.


Witch Trial Now Available

Supernatural and femdom mind control go hand in hand when The Witch Coven of the Crimson Robe comes out to play Get it today!


Five Steps Now Available

A motivational femdom brainwashing story like no other has arrived to get your blood pumping. Get it today!

Sacrifice 0


When faced with an impossible choice, Richard makes the ultimate sacrifice but will it be enough? Find out in this dark Femdom Mind Control flash fiction.


White Light Now Available

A femdom hypnosis and mind control masturbation story is ready to drain your will away.

Mesmerizing content is waiting for you.

Flash fiction, short stories, photo stories, poetry, reviews... all waiting for you at a click of a button or a powerful snap of her hypnotic fingers sending you deeper and deeper into mindless bliss. Don't resist. Subscribe to our mailing list today and receive two free e-books.

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