Tennis Balls
Day 6 of Spell… B-O-U-N-D’s Femdom Hypnosis and Mind Control 55 Words Stories Challenge 2024, Tennis Balls is a cruel piece about sports.

Tennis Balls
Richard gulped when he saw Martha’s new tennis balls.
“Are those…?” he asked.
“Yes,” she replied. “They belonged to an ex who cheated on me. Never do that!”
“I promise.”
“Good boy,” the kinky hypnotist deepened his trance. Stuffed testicles was perhaps too cruel of an image, but it worked. She never lost a match.
How this story came to be
Are you a fan of tennis? It was never a sport that interested me that much. I don’t think I ever watched a match from beginning to end and I have no idea who the top players in the world are at the moment.
I also have no clue why I decided to write a piece inspired by tennis nor how the crazy idea of having a man imagine that he was looking at testicles instead of yellow balls but my mind works in mysterious ways, so I’ll leave it at that.
I hope you had fun. Until tomorrow.