The Latest Fashion
Craig: “How’s your sister doing?”
Luke: “Mandy’s great, thanks for asking.”
Craig: “Good. Does she still…?”
Luke: “Still what?”
Craig: “Play mind games on you?”
Luke: “All the time, yes.”
Craig: “I figured as much.”
Luke: “Okay, why did you say that?”
Craig: “Hmmm… you do realize you’re wearing Hawaiian flip flops with your business suit, don’t you?”
Luke: “That has got nothing to do with mind games, it’s the latest fashion.”
Craig: “I see… and the Japanese bandanna?”
Luke: “It’s the latest fashion.”
Craig: “I suppose the three skull rings are also…”
Luke: “… the latest fashion, yes.”
Craig: “Luke, I think ‘the latest fashion’ is a trigger of yours.”
Luke: “Don’t be ridiculous.”
Craig: “Okay, I won’t. Nice seeing you, man. And give my regards to your sister.”
Luke: “Sure thing. Bye.”
Later that day…
Mandy: “Ready to go shopping?”
Luke: “As ready as one can be.”
Mandy: “How was Craig by the way?”
Luke: “He was okay although a bit paranoid.”
Mandy: “Oh? Tell me more.”
Luke: “He actually implied you’ve been triggering me with ‘the latest fashion’ but that’s ridiculous. I know all of my triggers and that’s not one of them.”
Mandy: “Of course not, Luke. Oh, look at that amazing tuxedo mankini over there! You should really get one, it’s the latest fashion.”
Luke bought a dozen.