Tough Choice
Day 64 of Spell… B-O-U-N-D’s Femdom Hypnosis and Mind Control 55 Words Stories Challenge 2023, Tough Choice is a humorous piece about streaming services.

Tough Choice
“Netflix, HBO Max, Amazon Prime Video, Disney+, Paramount+… Fuck! How is a person supposed to choose?” Alan grumbled.
“I only use one streaming service…” Frank shrugged. “It’s called HypnoMistress Unleashed.”
“What’s that?”
Frank turned on the TV and the screen was bathed by images of entrancing women commanding them to kneel.
Alan happily complied.
How this story came to be
I was browsing through a list of streaming services today and was surprised to find out just how many there are all over the world. Frankly, I only used two, and not at the same time: Netflix and HBO Max. I’m currently using the latter to watch House of the Dragon, The Last of Us, the second and third seasons of His Dark Materials, and the final season of Supernatural which I missed when it aired a couple of years back.
This idea came to me as I watched the first episode of House of the Dragon today. I thought: what if there was a streaming platform that comprised only of femdom hypnosis and brainwashing to turn all paying customers into obedient slaves? I thought the idea was intriguing, so I ran with it.
I hope you had fun. Until tomorrow.