Tricks & Treats – Day 13

Another humorous piece of flash fiction for day 13 of this Halloween event. This is the story I was going to publish yesterday, with a few additional tweaks. Please enjoy.
One Wish
Alan looked in utter shock at the half-naked genie in front of him. With long braided blonde hair and boobs the size of juicy watermelons, she was more than a sight to behold. Perfection wasn’t strong enough of a word to describe her.
“Oh my God!” He glanced at the old lamp he had just dug up from his late grandmother’s attic. Arabian Nights had just come true before his eyes but what was he going to do with his three wishes?
“One.” She immediately corrected him as if she had read his mind. “You have only one wish. No more.”
“What? But the books…”
“… are all wrong.” She yawned. “You’re lucky I even give you one instead of just snapping your neck and go about my business, sweetie. Don’t make me regret it.”
“I don’t know what to ask…” Alan scratched his chin.
“You humans never do. A hint though: don’t bother trying to ask for infinite wishes. That only gets me mad.”
“I… hmm… This is never happened to me. Is there any other contingency I should be aware of?”
“Glad you asked.” The genie produced a massive encyclopedia and dropped it at his feet. “In there, are all the things I can’t do without disrupting the cosmic balance permanently, destroying the multiverse or both. I advise you to study it carefully before you make your wish so you don’t waste my time and yours.”
“There’s no way I’m reading that.”
“Suit yourself, buster. Now, will you please hurry up so I can go wash my hair?”
“You can’t rush perfection, genie!”
“Sure I can. You have ten seconds before I lose my patience. The clock is ticking. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six…”
“Oh, fuck you!” Alan exclaimed.
“Do you really mean that?” She cocked her head as her bosom jiggled, happily..
“Yeah… fuck you, you annoying little bitch!”
“Don’t mind if I do.” The genie replied, grinding the nearest chair. “It’s been way too long and Mama is horny. Thank you for the wish!”
“Wait, that wasn’t…”
“Of course, it was. I even asked you to confirm it. Don’t tell me you actually thought you had to say: I wish… Ah, you’re so gullible! I love it!” She cackled.
“Hey, that’s not fair!”
“And do you think spending the last ten thousand years trapped in that lamp was? Boo-hoo, life sucks! Get used to… oh…” She started fingering herself. “This feels so good.”
Alan threw the lamp at her, but the genie paid no attention to it, completely absorbed in self-gratification. He was pissed. In the blink of an eye, he had lost a unique opportunity to turn his life around and now what did he have to show for? Absolutely no…
On second thought, a beautiful woman masturbating herself after ten thousand years without any action was not bad and chances were she wouldn’t stop playing any time soon.
Worries set aside, Alan grabbed a beer and watched the show.
I hope you liked this piece. You too can be a part of the creative process by sharing your ideas and suggestions with me as I go on. If I like the way you think and I’m able to come up with something based on it, you’ll be given full credit for the inspiration whilst making sure the blood keeps on flowing (unless a sexy vampire drains it fully, that is.)
Use the form below to join this supernatural, kinky endeavor. Tricks & Treats will return tomorrow. Let’s all have fun while it lasts. Thanks.