Tricks & Treats – Day 17

Time for a creepy little poem. Read it carefully or else… please enjoy.
The Book
He wanted the book,
The book wanted blood.
The Heavens shook
In a crimson flood.
Those that came after
Brought silvery knives
From here to hereafter
Forsaken their lives.
The book kept thinking
Ways to draw a crowd,
Its pages slowly drinking
More than what was allowed.
Until one day it burst
An explosion so grand
That its devilish thirst
Consumed the land.
You wanted the book
Your soul is no more.
It hangs by a hook
On Hell’s broken door.
I hope you liked this piece. You too can be a part of the creative process by sharing your ideas and suggestions with me as I go on. If I like the way you think and I’m able to come up with something based on it, you’ll be given full credit for the inspiration whilst making sure the blood keeps on flowing (unless a sexy vampire drains it fully, that is.)
Use the form below to join this supernatural, kinky endeavor. Tricks & Treats will return tomorrow. Let’s all have fun while it lasts. Thanks.