Tricks & Treats – Day 6

Another piece of flash fiction for day 6 of this Halloween event. This one is a femdom mind control piece concerning a strange spell book. Please enjoy.
For Mara
Mara glanced at her brother Alex, still confused at what he was holding. They were both sitting in the living-room of her house, an electric fireplace keeping them warm. The dark skies all around were promising a flood of almost biblical proportions.
“Well, what do you think?” She asked, hands resting on her lap.
“I think you’re smart enough to know this isn’t an actual spell book, right?” He turned the dusty tome upside down to look at some golden runic letters.
“Of course! I wasn’t born, yesterday.”
“Then why did you buy it?”
“I didn’t. The old lady at the bookstore gave it to me on my way out.”
“Why?” Alex laid down the book on the coffee table and scratched his chin.
“No clue, but she was adamant I accepted it. And so I did. I think it’s cute.” Mara reached for it again and fiddled with its yellowish pages.
“I guess… hold on a second.” Alex muttered as he noticed something odd.
“What is it?”
“Hand me the book again, please.”
“Okay.” The petite blue-eyed blonde smiled as her muscular sibling looked for a particular segment. As soon as he found it, his eyes widened in disbelief.
“That’s odd.”
“What is it?” She scooted next to him.
“See for yourself.” He pointed the book at her. Headlined in crimson letters was a paragraph with the words ‘For Mara’.
“Oh wow!” She gasped. “You’re right, that is strange.”
“Did you tell that woman your name by any chance?”
“No. Why would I?”
“I don’t know, but she must have learned, somehow. Maybe that’s why she gave you the book.”
“Maybe. Mara is a common name, though. Could be just a coincidence.”
“Maybe…” He started reading the contents of the page and shuddered. “Hmmm… I’m not so sure, sis.”
“Oh?” She snatched the old book from his trembling hands and smiled, mischievously. The paragraph in question detailed a spell to turn family members into obedient servants. It even used actual names as an example. ‘Alex’ was the first on the list. “I see… it’s a good thing this isn’t real then, huh?”
“Indeed…” He looked at her in trembling anticipation afraid of what the future might hold.
Mara’s fingers brushed through the steps of the incantation and she stared back at him, morbid curiosity lighting up her once angelical face.
Outside, the rain began to fall, the sound of creeping thunder muzzling the irresistible words of power coming out of her beautiful mouth.
I hope you liked this piece. You too can be a part of the creative process by sharing your ideas and suggestions with me as I go on. If I like the way you think and I’m able to come up with something based on it, you’ll be given full credit for the inspiration whilst making sure the blood keeps on flowing (unless a sexy vampire drains it fully, that is.)
Use the form below to join this supernatural, kinky endeavor. Tricks & Treats will return tomorrow. Let’s all have fun while it lasts. Thanks.