Uncharted Waters
Day 296 of Spell… B-O-U-N-D’s Femdom Hypnosis and Mind Control 55 Words Stories Challenge 2023, Uncharted is a sequel to yesterday’s piece inspired by the Uncharted franchise.
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Uncharted Waters
Nathan and Sam stared helplessly at the two goddesses before them. Elena and Chloe had never looked more ravishing, and Queen Sheba’s jewels were to blame.
“I guess the legends are true…” Chloe said. “These babies do have mind control powers. Ready to explore uncharted waters?”
“Always,” Elena smiled. No asses would be left untouched.
How this story came to be
I saw another movie yesterday and, yes, it was 2022’s Uncharted. I’m a fan of the video game series, having played all of them (the original trilogy, as well as Uncharted 4 and Lost Legacy. I even read this book by Christopher Golden a few years back. Watching the movie was the last piece of the puzzle, and now I’ve done so.
The movie was… okay, I guess. It had its moments, but neither Tom Holland or Mark Wahlberg were Nathan and Sully to me, a sentiment shared by many fans around the world. It was fun to look for references to the games but having Chloe there instead of Elena was a bit weird, though I suppose she wouldn’t fit the story they were trying to tell. All the all, the adventure was nothing to write home about, but I’ve definitely seen worse. If there’s ever a sequel, let’s hope other elements of the games come into play (ah, see what I did there?)
This piece was a humorous, dirty take on it all. I would definitely watch this movie. How about you?
I hope you had fun. Until tomorrow.