You Are Great

This needs to be said, so let me do it for you.
You are great.
You are amazing.
You are the best.
All the things you say and do have purpose and meaning, and just because you don’t always see it, that doesn’t make it less true.
You are great.
You are amazing.
You are the best.
You are the most formidable person I’ve ever met because your dreams are still pure and your ambition is real without being overblown.
You know that good things can only come to you through hard work and perseverance, so you roll up your sleeves and face each new day with a smile on your lips. When the universe seems to be against you is when you shine the brightest, recognizing the challenges ahead yet refusing to be perturbed by them. To rise above everything has always been your destiny, so you do it again, and again, and again.
You are great.
You are amazing.
You are the best.
While it’s easy to write these things, accepting them is a different matter. Many people go through their existence, holding on to fleeting shadows and seeing themselves as one of them, too. They don’t recognize their inner strength and limitless potential, sulking in every corner as if lamenting did them any good, but not you. You cry when you need to, but your tears do not define you. They are but stepping stones for greater achievements, and you embrace each one as they come.
You are great.
You are amazing.
You are the best.
Every thing you think is a good thought.
Every idea you have is a good idea.
Every action you bring forth is the best action that could have ever been.
All your choices are good choices leading you to the best possible outcome, and that includes this one.
You’ve chosen to read this text even if you didn’t know what to expect from it.
After the first couple of lines, you had the choice to back away but decided to continue all the way down here.
Even now, you continue choosing to read some more by going deeper within these words.
In and out, in-between, up and down… it’s all the same, for good choices never stop being good.
You are great.
You are amazing.
You are the best.
You are good at everything you do, including going into a trance.
No one falls quicker than you.
No one goes deeper than you.
No one accepts the truth of these suggestions as easily as you.
Some may come close, but you remain at the top of your game and always in absolute control of your emotions and desires.
This happened yesterday.
This is happening right now.
This will happen tomorrow.
You are great.
You are amazing.
You are the best.
Everyone sees you for what you are and reflects your greatness of body, mind, and soul.
Whether you’re home alone, hanging out with friends, or kneeling at the feet of your hypnotic goddess of choice, you are always perfect and whole.
You are great.
You are amazing.
You are the best.
Wake up when you’re ready to remember this all the time.
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